Since our beginning, as we are proud of it, we would always go for something that is a little peculiar in its own way. Along with our valued customers, we made sure that whatever we were doing has an impact.
Technologies used were also principal coming down to the performance demands.
Leader Board and Scoring Solution - Angular (for Large display & Game Management)
Kiosk App for Tab - Xamarin.Forms
Interactive Display - Electron Framework
The solution encompasses interactive solutions, a kiosk app, and an application to display the leader boards for the public.
We were consulted to build a sports event management application to be distributed in no time.
The Proleague 2019 (Officially known as Arabian Gulf League) is the top professional football league in the United Arab Emirates. Annually all mainstream clubs in the U.A.E. come together to contest and win the supreme cup of the nation in football. At the same time, football is the most popular and widely recognized sport in the Arab World.
While the professional football teams engage in the league, there were other games that the public could play, like dribbling and passing challenges. The scores for such activities were shown in the display along with the prime club leader board, for this we incorporated kiosk application.
Men and women could separately take part in various games making the whole event a colorful celebration.
1. Leader Board and Scoring Solution
Allow organizers to mark scores against each games for each players, and displays in large units with age group, team, etc.

2. Kiosk App
In the bundle, we also developed a kiosk Tab App, to show the details of the clubs participating, and of its players, matches. It also included media of games. Anyone can surf through the app and see all the information.

3. Interactive Display
Indulges contenders in various challenges and games with an experience relating to the sport, culturing an ambient sports-man spirit among the crowd.
Active and Passive Display, where user's can interact with large touch screen based display for fun activities like quiz (active mode) and passive mode to show videos and images relevant to the event.

Several challenges, including prediction of 'finishing the kick' and the possibilities of goal from a 'shot-on-target' were played in videos and then paused, few answers provided to choose from.
During the development phase, we had to tackle some serious hurdles to deliver things on time.
Interactive display – Vanilla JavaScript and HTML, but then we realized we cannot do file operations, reorder, copy and move since it doesn’t allow browser accessing local files for apparent reasons like security. So, we had to choose a different stack to achieve the result.
Thus we chose Electron, our team got their hands on 'Electron' and we had to adapt-learn-implement it on the go. This framework outputs an executable desktop application that served the purpose.
Also, we faced Cross-Origin issue upon consuming an API, to be precise the API was designed by an external provider and they were unable to change it. To make the interactive solution work we used Chrome's kiosk mode.
Creating and supporting rich animations was a challenge, for which we used JavaScript library ‘Lottie’.
Kiosk App - Since we had to fit in the app into a specific resolution, we had to particularly see into all the chances of accidentally stretching the UI.
And the data, yes, we had to manually deal with the raw data dump provided by customer, analyzing and cleaning the given data of all the clubs and its details was a monumental task which we achieved.
With all the above, time was ticking and the application had to be delivered soon, constraining us to a strict schedule.
As we believe, sports have always managed to bring people as one and induces celebration beyond boundaries forgetting all differences.
It was nothing short of utmost entitlement to be a part of this huge motive to pave ground for unity.
It is with colossal contentment that we look upon this product, yielded out of our sheer dedication and commitment without compromise in quality.